BC Energy Step Code and Zero Carbon Step Code

A Best Practices Guide for Local Governments

British Columbia has set ambitious objectives to combat climate change in the construction sector. The province aims for all newly constructed buildings to have zero operational carbon emissions by 2030 and for all new structures to be ready for net-zero energy by 2032. The BC Energy Step Code and the Zero Carbon Step Code are instrumental in reaching these targets. Over the next ten years, the province will methodically integrate these step codes into the foundational BC Building Code, with transitional requirements anticipated in 2024, 2027, and 2030.

The updated BC Step Code Best Practices Guide for Local Governments is a comprehensive revision of the initial 2018 version. This guide has been enriched by contributions from key stakeholders in the building industry, including industry professionals, municipal authorities, utility companies, and housing agencies. It provides fresh insights on the Zero Carbon Step Code and refined best practices derived from extensive practical experience. Nevertheless, the core principles established by the Step Code Council during its initial launch remain relevant: providing early notification, implementing incremental changes, maintaining a clear schedule, and engaging in proactive dialogue and education are all essential for a successful and seamless transition in the market.

The State of Climate Action in Canadian Municipalities

A report and database from the Municipal Net-Zero Action Research Partnership (N-ZAP)

Municipalities in Canada are essential contributors to the nation’s commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and achieving the objectives set at local, provincial, and national levels. Their role is crucial in the worldwide effort to cap the rise in global temperatures to 1.5°C, a goal established by the 2015 Paris Agreement. The proactive participation of these municipalities in the design, execution, and tracking of climate-related measures is not only vital for cutting down local emissions but also for promoting a future that is both sustainable and low in carbon emissions.

The recent database and study released by the Municipal Net-Zero Action Research Partnership (N-ZAP) draw on survey responses from 256 Canadian municipalities spanning all 10 provinces, which together account for roughly 69.5 percent of the nation’s populace. These municipalities have provided key data concerning their strategies and actions for climate change, including greenhouse gas inventories, policy measures, and initiatives for engaging stakeholders.

The survey results reveal that municipal governments are actively taking significant steps to combat climate change. However, the report also points out that there is room for improvement. Enhancing the speed of interventions, setting more ambitious goals, and improving the effectiveness of local actions are necessary to bolster the nationwide efforts to address climate change.

The Regulation of District Energy Systems

This paper examines nine diverse systems, four under BCUC jurisdiction and five regulated by municipalities, to elicit the type and level of economic regulation that can encourage financial sustainability while providing customers with reasonably priced energy services.

This paper concludes with a number of key findings and recommendations:

  • The preferred regulatory approach is a cost-of-service regulatory model with a
    levelized rate structure to provide more affordable prices in early years, with a
    revenue deficiency deferral account to be repaid in later years as more customers
  • A deemed capital structure, target risk premium and, in early years, a disproportionately high fixed charge rate component, round out the preferred model;
  • Up-front subsidies to offset capital costs can keep rates competitive and significantly enhance long-term financial viability.
  • Particularly for mature, well-managed systems without exclusivity provisions, a “light handed” regulatory framework should be pursued, while still maintaining procedural fairness and decisions based on evidence.


Sustainable Neighbourhood Development

This guide provides top-line, how-to information about the planning and development of sustainable neighbourhoods, offering practical solutions to common challenges. It answers
important questions about sustainable neighbourhood development:

  1. What is a sustainable neighbourhood, and how can I make the case for pursuing this kind of development?
  2. What are the major challenges, and how can they be overcome?
  3. Where else in Canada has this been done successfully, and what factors led to that success?
  4. Where can I go for more in-depth information?

Small-Scale Biomass District Heating Guide – A Guide for BC Communities

The purpose of this Guide is to support the growing number of small communities across British Columbia interested in making a business case for biomass district heating. There may be substantial benefits for communities that approach local energy projects having developed an integrated strategy on clean energy, energy independence, and the transition to a green economy. Small-scale biomass district heating systems can be a centerpiece of such a strategy.

Primary benefits include:

  • potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions,
  • local economic development through attracting investment, clean energy job creation,
    infrastructure development and keeping energy dollars circulating locally, and
  • increased local energy reliability, resilience and security.

Small-Scale Biomass District Heating Handbook A Reference for Alberta & BC Local Governments

The purpose of this handbook is to support a growing number of small communities across British Columbia and Alberta interested in making a business case for biomass district heating (DH). Small-scale biomass DH systems can be a centerpiece of an integrated strategy on clean energy, energy independence and a transition to a green economy. Primary benefits include:

  • potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions,
  • local economic development through attracting investment, clean energy job creation,
    infrastructure development and keeping energy dollars circulating locally, and
  • increased energy security.

Small Wind Siting and Zoning Study 

This study consists of five sections. Section 1 sums up the current treatment of small wind turbines in Canada, relying upon interviews, surveys and other research to paint a picture of how small wind turbine applications fare in the current regulatory environment, the definition of “small wind,” and how provincial and municipal government regulations impact these proposed electricity generators. Lessons learned from the U.S., where a few states have fairly mature planning and permitting systems in place, are also incorporated into this analysis. It is clear that at present, few, if any, Canadian municipalities, regions, provinces or other governmental structures possess an ideal package of policies governing small wind turbines.

Secondary Indicators for Community Inventory Interpretation

This project was initiated to review and propose ‘secondary’ or influence indicators of progress related to energy and GHG emissions at the community level.

Specific objectives of the project are to: 
  • Identify practical indicators to support the CEEI sectors – land use, transportation, buildings, solid waste, and agriculture – to provide local and provincial government representatives with enhanced indicators for monitoring the effectiveness of local government policy changes;
  • Review currently used community-based indicators focused on energy and GHG emissions including those established for regional growth strategies and community energy plans, as well as identify suitable benchmarks appropriate to the local government in BC energy and GHG emissions reduction context; and
  • Define those indicators for which targets may be suitable and are also within the control or sphere of influence of local governments.

Green Energy as a Rural Economic Development Tool

The purpose of this project was to undertake a series of activities that will help rural BC communities and First Nations affected by the Mountain Pine Beetle (MPB) epidemic, better understand the potential opportunities of Green Energy development and its potential contribution to rural economic development and diversification. The project was designed to work directly with a number of small rural communities in the interior of BC. Many rural communities in BC have expressed an interest in learning more about green energy development and in potentially developing their own Green energy project (e.g. a micro-hydro IPP).

Resources From Waste: Integrated Resource Recovery

This guide to Integrated Resource Recovery (IRR) emerged from an independent report released by the Government of British Columbia in May 2008. That report, entitled Resources from Waste: Integrated Resource Management Study examined approaches local governments across British Columbia might consider in using solid and liquid waste to create energy, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, conserve water, and recover nutrients. This IRR Guide is intended for those who plan, design, and fund infrastructure – including water, wastewater, transportation, energy, and solid waste. Although it is technical in nature, it is also intended to be a resource for the broader community which uses this infrastructure.