March 20, 2023

Small-Scale Biomass District Heating Guide – A Guide for BC Communities

Publish Date
August 2013
Community Energy Association

The purpose of this Guide is to support the growing number of small communities across British Columbia interested in making a business case for biomass district heating. There may be substantial benefits for communities that approach local energy projects having developed an integrated strategy on clean energy, energy independence, and the transition to a green economy. Small-scale biomass district heating systems can be a centerpiece of such a strategy.

Primary benefits include:

  • potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions,
  • local economic development through attracting investment, clean energy job creation,
    infrastructure development and keeping energy dollars circulating locally, and
  • increased local energy reliability, resilience and security.


  • Energy
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Green Infrastructure
  • greenhouse gas reductions
  • infrastructure planning
  • Land use and Transportation