Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of Electric Vehicles in Canada

This report compares the environmental life cycle assessment (LCA) of both Electric Vehicles and Gas Vehicles in the road transportation sector. Impact assessments are carried out at vehicle’s manufacturing (mining and assembly), use (driving) and end of life (recycling and disposal) phases. In this environmental life cycle assessment of electric vehicles in Canada, the GHG emissions and primary energy consumption are considered as the most significant impact category.

Summary Report on Local Government Climate Actions 2018

This report illustrates the continued progress by local governments to reduce carbon emissions through highlighting examples of the achievements and experiences of small, medium, and large communities in 2018. It includes:

  • Update on local government progress towards corporate carbon neutrality
  • Highlights of climate mitigation and adaptation actions taken by small, medium, and large communities across BC
  • Hyperlinked list of funding sources and programs used by local governments in support of climate action
MCI analysis

Model City Infrastructure

Model City Infrastructure (MCI) is a new analysis tool developed to assist Kelowna staff, Council and the public as they consider the long-term infrastructure implications of land use decisions. MCI enables the evaluation of the long-term financial performance of various types of neighbourhoods by comparing how much the City spends on long-term infrastructure in different neighbourhoods with the tax revenue and utility fees collected from them.

The MCI analysis focused on lifecycle costs, as opposed to up front capital costs, often associated with assuming infrastructure after development. It demonstrated that more complete and compact areas of Kelowna performed better financially than the areas that are characterized by auto-depend built form and low density and dispersed land uses.

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