Partners for Climate Protection Program

The Partners for Climate Protection (PCP) program is a network of Canadian municipalities that have committed to reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and acting on climate change. Delivered by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) and ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability, the PCP program provides tools and resources to support municipalities in achieving their emissions reduction targets.

This insights report details real examples of how Canadian municipalities are leading the charge on climate action. Read on the discover how the PCP program is supporting innovative climate action initiatives in municipalities of all sizes.

Resources From Waste: Integrated Resource Recovery

This guide to Integrated Resource Recovery (IRR) emerged from an independent report released by the Government of British Columbia in May 2008. That report, entitled Resources from Waste: Integrated Resource Management Study examined approaches local governments across British Columbia might consider in using solid and liquid waste to create energy, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, conserve water, and recover nutrients. This IRR Guide is intended for those who plan, design, and fund infrastructure – including water, wastewater, transportation, energy, and solid waste. Although it is technical in nature, it is also intended to be a resource for the broader community which uses this infrastructure.

Creating Market and Non-Market Affordable Housing – A Smart Growth Toolkit for BC Communities

The key to addressing the affordable housing shortage is for local governments to take leadership in developing and implementing housing strategies that include a package of practices tailored to each community’s market and affordable housing needs. Local governments are now the ongoing facilitators responsible for ensuring that an adequate range of housing types addresses market and non-market demand.

The purpose of this Toolkit is to give local government staff and decision-makers more detailed knowledge about eight tools that deliver market and non-market affordable housing so they are better equipped to decide which approaches suit their community and to develop an affordable housing program. Local governments have the legislative authority to work with developers to use all of these tools to create affordable housing. This Toolkit provides the support and suggestions on how to craft an effective affordable housing program.

Creating Complete, Compact and Energy-Efficient Communities in BC: How Fiscal Tools Can Be An Opportunity For Local Governments

The research paper is intended to assist the provincial and local governments of British Columbia, citizens, civil society organizations and other stakeholders in expanding the conversation on the tools available for local governments to create complete, compact, and energy-efficient communities. Its focus is on fiscal tools to reduce sprawl, increase density, and support a reduction in car dependency, energy use, and greenhouse gas emissions. This paper examines those tools presently available to local governments, and those that could be available through changes in legislative powers.

Community Energy Planning: The Value Proposition

Community Energy Plans (CEPs) provide the pathway for communities to become aware of and take part in solid economic returns on investments, environmental gains, health benefits, and improved quality of life for local residents.

Canadian cities, towns and villages have influence over approximately 60 percent of energy consumption and over half of all GHG emissions in Canada. Consequently, communities have the potential to make significant contributions to addressing Canada’s current and future energy and climate challenges.

A Community Energy Plan (CEP) is a tool that drives community priorities around energy with a view to increasing efficiency, reducing emissions and driving economic development.

The report draws primarily on the findings of six comprehensive economic analyses of CEP actions and programs, and case studies to illustrate the value proposition of CEP implementation to communities across Canada.

Clean Energy for a Green Economy

Clean Energy for a Green Economy is an introduction guide to the wide range of clean energy strategies and green economy opportunities for rural communities in British Columbia. Rural communities can benefit by leading the development of clean energy and energy efficiency, and the transition to a green economy.

Primary benefits include:

  • improved air quality
  • local economic development through attracting investment, clean energy job
    creation, infrastructure development and keeping energy dollars circulating locally
  • increased local energy reliability, resilience and security.

These projects can result in significant greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions, which support local, provincial and global climate objectives. The report is written written primarily for local governments and band councils, elected officials and staff, to support an active local government and band role in the development of clean energy and a green economy.

BC’s Green Economy

Learn more about growing green jobs information on BC’s Green Economy on WorkBC, which gives a closer look into green jobs and how clean tech is revolutionizing  BC’s industries. British Columbia has established leading initiatives in alternative and renewable energy, energy efficiency, and green building.