September 17, 2016

New Solutions for Sustainable Stormwater Management in Canada

Publish Date
September 2016
Sara Jane O’Neill and Stephanie Cairns
Smart Prosperity Institute
Direct Link

It is becoming clear that combining green infrastructure with existing grey infrastructure systems is a cost-effective option that provides a range of environmental and social benefits. It is also clear that stormwater management is a critical municipal service that requires a new funding approach that is dedicated, transparent and fair. Traditional grey infrastructure is costly and the lack of a dedicated, consistent funding source means few municipalities are able to proactively plan, build or maintain their stormwater system.

Smart Prosperity Institute (SPI) launched the New Solutions for Sustainable Stormwater Management project in November 2015 with the aim of enhancing the resilience of Canadian urban centres by moderating the impacts of extreme rainfalls through increased use of green infrastructure, and encouraging more Canadian municipalities to support this through “user pay” models and other incentives.


  • Green Infrastructure
  • Infrastructure
  • Land use and Transportation
  • Water and Wastewater