November 11, 2022

Proximity Measures Database (PMD)

Publish Date
Statistics Canada
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In 2020, Statistics Canada (StatCan) and Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) collaborated on the implementation of a set of proximity measures to services and amenities. CMHC funded this collaboration to generate data and analytical work in support of the National Housing Strategy. The result of this collaboration is the first nationwide Proximity Measures Database (PMD).

The database contains 10 measures of proximity and a composite indicator that combines some of the proximity measures. All measures are at the dissemination block level (a block in urban areas or an area bounded by roads in rural areas), this provides the highest level of geographic resolution currently possible.

This tool can help local governments review their built environment and find how different neighbourhoods have varying levels of amenities.


The Measures of Proximity included in the PMD are:

  • Amenity-dense neighbourhood: An aggregate measure to indicate neighbourhoods that have access to basic needs for a family with minors. A dissemination block with access to a grocery store, pharmacy, health care facility, child care facility, primary school, library, public transit stop, and source of employment is referred to as an amenity-dense neighbourhood.
  • Proximity to employment
  • Proximity to grocery stores
  • Proximity to pharmacies
  • Proximity to healthcare
  • Proximity to childcare
  • Proximity to primary education
  • Proximity to secondary education
  • Proximity to public transit
  • Proximity to neighbourhood parks
  • Proximity to libraries

How to access and find out more:


Example of PMD


  • Land use and Transportation
  • land use planning
  • Transportation