March 4, 2021

District Energy Inventory For Canada

Publish Date
March 2016
John Nyboer and Bradford Griffin
Canadian Industrial Energy End-use Data and Analysis Centre Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC

The 2016 District Energy Inventory for Canada (2014 data) presents a snapshot of the thermal energy network across the country.

It identifies operating district energy systems across the country (up from 128 last year), increasing the comprehensiveness of this inventory. To date, detailed data have been gathered from 80 facilities (up from 67 last year), providing deeper insight into the nature of district energy systems in Canada. These data enable better analysis of the types of service provided, governance structures, district energy customers, a variety of operating data, recent and/or planned growth and facility employment.

The development of this inventory fills a gap in the reporting of information about district energy systems. Moving forward, CIEEDAC and its partners plan to administer the district energy questionnaire on a regular basis to keep information current (possibly having an annual survey related only to fuel use and energy supplied, with a less frequent but more detailed questionnaire), develop relationships with the respondents to boost the response rate, investigate additional research questions and present more regional and disaggregated information.


  • Energy