March 4, 2021

Development Cost Charge for Elected Officials & Best Practices Guides

Ministry of Community Sport & Cultural Development
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The Development Cost Charges (DCCs) Guide for Elected Officials is designed to increase understanding about DCCs among local government leaders. The Guide is deals with the basics, or fundamentals, of DCCs using a “question & answer” format, which addresses important questions on DCCs and their use. Such as:

• DCCs Defined;
• Establishing DCCs;
• When to use DCCs;
• DCCs in the Broader Context;
• DCCs and Development; and,
• DCCs across British Columbia.

Best Practices Guide

For a more detailed review and information about the technical aspects of DCCs, please refer to the Development Cost Charge Best Practices Guide.

This is the third edition of the DCC Best Practices Guide. the feedback from local government and the development community has been complimentary and supportive of the material included in the guide. each edition has provided additional information, which reflects changes to best practices and legislation.

The DCC Best Practices Guide has two primary objectives:
to encourage local governments to standardize the establishment and administration of development cost charge programs; and to provide some flexibility to accommodate a municipality’s specific circumstances.

The best practices outlined in the guide were developed in partnership between the province, local government and the development community. Local governments who choose to follow the recommended best practices can expect an expedited process for provincial approval of their development cost charge bylaws. Further, they may also receive the support of the development community, which advocates for more transparent and understandable DCC programs.



  • Land use and Transportation