December 18, 2014

Asset Management: A Framework for British Columbia

Publish Date
December 2014
Asset Management BC
Asset Management BC & UBCM
Direct Link

Sustainable service delivery ensures that current community service needs, and how those services are delivered (in a socially, economically and environmentally responsible manner), do not compromise the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Communities build and maintain infrastructure to provide services. These services support our quality of life, protect our health and safety, and promote social, economic and environmental well-being.

Failure to care for our infrastructure, manage our natural resources and protect the benefits provided by nature risks degrading, or even losing, the services communities enjoy, and that future generations may rely on. Sound asset management practices support Sustainable Service Delivery by considering community priorities, informed by an understanding of the trade-offs between the available resources and the desired services. Understanding asset management will help governments take climate action in government infrastructure and help understand and manage risk. Climate change is a significant risk to many of the critical services delivered by local governments.

This resource collection, prepared by the Asset Management Community or Practice and UBCM includes:




  • Asset Management
  • Buildings and Fleets
  • Energy
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Infrastructure
  • Resilient Communities
  • Water and Wastewater