October 17, 2018

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In September 2017, two groups – the Adaptation to Climate Change Team (ACT) at Simon Fraser University, and Green Resilience Strategies – hosted a workshop as a pre-event to the Livable Cities Forum in Victoria, BC. The workshop outcomes are captured in a summary report titled Taking Action on Green Resilience: Adaptation and Mitigation Synergies.
Typically, climate change mitigation and adaptation have been approached as separate endeavours, but there are enormous benefits to integrating them using “Green Resilience” (or “low-carbon resilience”) strategies that both reduce GHG emissions and enhance climate resilience.
The Taking Action on Green Resilience workshop explored ways to integrate climate change mitigation and adaptation planning and increase the returns on investment in climate change and infrastructure solutions while attracting funding for implementation.
The Taking Action on Green Resilience summary report captures the workshop content, conclusions, and recommendations on needed research, capacity building and policies to advance green resilience practices.
Click here to read the full article and stay tuned because plans are now in place to create a cross-country dialogue regarding climate resilience and GHG mitigation and to form working groups to advance recommendations on research, capacity-building and policies to support implementation of green resilience solutions.