August 17, 2022

Public engagement on permanent public transit funding in Canada

Source Name
Government of Canada
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The Government of Canada has committed to invest $3 billion annually in funding to support the expansion and upgrading of public transit (GoToVan/Flickr)


The Government of Canada has committed to invest $3 billion annually in funding that will support the expansion and upgrading of public transit and active transportation networks in communities across Canada. These transit systems include subways, light rail transit, modernization of bus fleets, multipurpose paths, cycling lanes and other forms of mobility.

The permanent public transit funding will start in 2026-2027, and the government is now engaging with the public to get feedback, ideas and solution to help inform the design and delivery of the permanent public transit funding. The engagement is open from July 29, 2022 to September 30, 2022.

To participate, individuals are encouraged to fill out an online questionnaire that should be provided no later than September 30, 2022.

To know more about the funding, visit their website. All general inquiries should be sent to with the term “permanent public transit funding engagement” in the subject line.