New energy action framework to cap emissions, electrify the clean economy
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Originally Published: March 14, 2023
New energy action framework to cap emissions, electrify the clean economy
The Province’s new energy action framework will ensure oil and gas sector projects fit within B.C.’s climate commitments and create new opportunities for people in clean energy and technology.
“Our new energy action framework will help us meet our climate targets and build a better future for all British Columbians, especially our kids and grandkids, in a clean-energy economy,” said Premier David Eby. “Our work on the climate crisis and our commitment to the next generation requires everyone, including the oil and gas sector, to do their part to reduce emissions. It also requires us to forge a new path forward with clean-energy projects that people and communities can count on. We can and must do both.”
Under the new energy action framework, the Province will:
- require all proposed LNG facilities in or entering the environmental assessment (EA) process to pass an emissions test with a credible plan to be net zero by 2030;
- put in place a regulatory emissions cap for the oil and gas industry to ensure B.C. meets its 2030 emissions-reduction target for the sector;
- establish a clean-energy and major projects office to fast track investment in clean energy and technology and create good, sustainable jobs in the transition to a cleaner economy; and
- create a BC Hydro task force to accelerate the electrification of B.C.’s economy by powering more homes, businesses and industries with renewable electricity.
“We are committed to taking urgent and innovative actions to fight the climate emergency with a comprehensive plan across all sectors. By introducing this new framework our province will continue to be a climate action leader, while moving quickly to seize rapidly emerging opportunities for people in the clean-energy and clean-technology economy,” said George Heyman, Minister of Environment and Climate Change Strategy. “The framework will provide strong, enforceable emissions reduction requirements to make sure we hit our targets and provide predictability for industry.”
The new framework builds on the recent approval of Cedar LNG, a Haisla Nation-led project that will be the largest First Nations majority-owned infrastructure project in Canada and play a key role in the Haisla’s economic development over the next four decades. The project will be one of the lowest-emitting facilities of its kind in the world. The Province will enter into an memorandum of understanding with the Haisla Nation to help achieve further climate objectives, including exploring ways to enhance environmental performance and lower emissions to near zero by 2030.
“Our province is on the frontlines of climate change and seeing the impacts of record wildfires, heat waves and flooding on people and communities. British Columbians have made it clear that we need to meet our climate targets and move forward as a clean energy leader,” said Josie Osborne, Minister of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation. “Our new energy action framework will provide certainty for industry, create good jobs and build a clean economy that works better for people, respects First Nations, and protects the climate.”
Colleen Giroux-Schmidt, vice-president of corporate relations, Innergex Renewable Energy Inc., and co-chair of B.C.’s Climate Solutions Council (CSC) –
“We applaud the Province for building on its CleanBC plan with the release of a new energy framework that will help drive clean economic growth and meet its legislated climate targets. The CSC has been clear that stronger action is needed in order to meet existing Roadmap commitments and this framework is a good step forward to making sure the Province accelerates the development of the clean energy solutions that we need to thrive in a net-zero economy.”
Nancy Olewiler, co-chair, Climate Solutions Council –
“The New Energy Action Framework is a positive step forward to help achieve B.C.’s climate commitments in the oil and gas sector. This new framework holds promise to not only significantly reduce climate pollution in the sector, but also provide new opportunities for people in the clean economy. The Climate Solutions Council will continue to provide advice on the framework as policy details are finalized to ensure the new actions meet government commitments.”
Chief Crystal Smith, Haisla First Nation –
“The Haisla have been stewards of our lands and waters for generations and take our obligation to be stewards of the land and the living things on it with the utmost importance. We also believe that bold measures are needed to fight climate change to protect the environment and our way of life, while helping to lift Indigenous communities out of poverty. We appreciate this government’s commitment to take action on climate change and foster the development of a clean-energy economy, while also working to ensure that the oil and gas sector, which provides meaningful opportunity and benefit to many Indigenous communities, can continue to thrive in British Columbia.
“We are pleased with the steps that are being taken to advance reconciliation and support economic self-determination in our province, and look forward to working collaboratively with Premier Eby and his government as they develop the New Action Energy Framework for our future.”
Andrew Weaver, professor, school of earth and ocean sciences, University of Victoria –
“B.C. is leading the way with a new, enhanced energy framework, a bold plan that will drive down emissions and build new opportunities in the clean-economy sector. This framework will accelerate the Province’s climate commitments, while also supporting new opportunities in clean energy and technology, setting up the success of future generations who will benefit off today’s investments in clean energy projects in B.C.”
Christine Kennedy, president, Woodfibre LNG –
“We are proud to support this important announcement from the Government of B.C. which advances a portfolio of low-carbon solutions to support global energy security while accelerating the path to decarbonization and a net-zero future. For Woodfibre LNG, our partnership with Indigenous groups and our goal to be the world’s first net-zero LNG facility demonstrates that LNG can be produced responsibly and sustainably to meet the objectives highlighted in today’s announcement. Thank you to Premier Eby and the Government of B.C. for showing this leadership.”
Chris O’Riley, president and CEO, BC Hydro –
“We welcome the establishment of the new BC Hydro task force. Its work will be vital to accelerating electrification of B.C.’s energy system in order to address climate change and meet the targets set out under the Province’s Clean BC Plan and BC Hydro’s Electrification Plan.”