Grant for BC Local Governments to Advance Biodiversity Conservation on Private Lands
- Source Name
- Fraser Basin Council
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About this Grant
It is widely acknowledged within B.C. that there are challenges to biodiversity conservation since a large proportion of biodiversity, including species and ecosystems at risk, are within valley bottoms and coastal areas that are composed mostly of private land parcels.
Incentive tools for private landowners to undertake conservation actions are not available in all parts of the province and, where they are available, there are access and implementation challenges.
To begin to address these challenges, the Fraser Basin Council, in partnership with the Province of B.C., is offering a one-time grant for local governments in 2024 to explore opportunities for funding conservation tools and incentives on private land to enable and expand the role of local governments in conservation.
Local governments can use this grant to explore how to develop a private landowner incentive model to achieve biodiversity conservation and climate action goals through carbon storage or sequestration. The grant could also be used as seed funding to investigate how to support private land conservation by developing agreements directly with private landowners.
The amount available for a local government is expected to be $15,000 to $90,000. Local governments must be able to match the grant 1:1 with non-federal funds and/or in-kind staff time.
To find out who is eligible and how to apply, visit: Fraser Basin Council – Conservation Fiscal Incentive Project