September 2, 2020

Clean Infrastructure Benefits People in Prince George

Source Name
City of Prince George

Up to a dozen new electric vehicle charging stations will be installed in Prince George as a result of a provincial funding announcement today. They’re part of 55 new stations that will be installed throughout the north as a result of funding from CleanBC, the Northern Development Initiative Trust, and partner municipalities including Prince George. The planned expansion of the vehicle charging network will make it easier for Prince George residents to opt for cleaner transportation options.

This announcement aligns with the City’s recently released 2020 Climate Change Mitigation Plan, which places a large focus on transportation, given that in Prince George, transportation emissions account for the majority of greenhouse gas emissions and energy costs.

The Charge North consortium was initiated by Prince George and the Community Energy Association and involves more than 30 local governments around northern BC. This is the largest collaboration of its kind in Canada, covering more than 300,000 square kilometres.

Planning will continue this fall to confirm the location of the dozen EV stations in Prince George, which will be located on civic properties, and in different locations around the community. Installation is expected to be completed in 2021.

Visit the BC Government announcement.

Visit the Northern Development Announcement.

Media contact:
Michael Kellett
Senior Communications Officer
City of Prince George
o: 250.614.7882 | c: 250.613.9087