GCC Communiqué: Process for New Option 1 Project Ideas
The GCC recognizes that Option 1 projects are an attractive option for local governments to balance their corporate emissions by investing in emission reduction projects in their communities. The GCC would like to hear from local governments to assist in developing new Option 1 projects.
Since 2007, the joint Provincial – UBCM Green Communities Committee (GCC) has worked with local governments to assist them in achieving their BC Climate Action Charter goals of working toward reducing GHG emissions and taking actions to make their communities more complete, compact and energy efficient.
In 2011, the GCC established the Carbon Neutral Framework for BC local governments that included two types of GHG emission reduction projects – Option 1 and Option 2 projects – that local governments can undertake to reduce GHG emissions within their communities as a way of balancing their corporate GHG emissions. Option 1 projects are pre-defined projects approved by the GCC. Option 2 projects are projects proposed and undertaken by the local government and validated and verified by third parties.
To date, the GCC has developed and approved six Option 1 GHG reduction projects – supported by six related project profiles: energy efficient building retrofits/fuel switching; solar hot water; organic waste composting; low emission vehicles; avoided forest conversion; and, trenchless technology.
Many local governments have ideas for new Option 1 projects and the GCC would like to hear from those local governments to assist in developing additional project profiles. In order to retain the credibility of the GCC Carbon Neutral Framework, all projects approved by the GCC must meet strict eligibility requirements. To support this, the GCC has developed a Process for New Option 1 Project Ideas as guidance for local governments interested in putting forward ideas for new projects.