May 30, 2022

2022 BC Best Practices Methodology for Quantifying Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Publish Date
May 2022
BC Ministry of Environment and Climate Change

To ensure GHG methodologies are consistent and comparable, local governments should continue to use the standardized methodological guidance: 2022 B.C. Best Practices Methodology For Quantifying Greenhouse Gas Emissions. This document, sets out the current best practices for quantifying and reporting GHG emissions from BC’s provincial public sector organizations, local governments, Modern Treaty Nations and other communities. This document also represents the consolidation of the previously stand-alone versions of PSO, Local Government (LG) and Community Energy and Emissions Inventory (CEEI) emissions methodology guides. It can be used by anyone using these other documents, or other groups who wish to calculate their corporate emissions. The methodology provides a basis for users to measure their greenhouse gas emissions with consistent and up-to-date best practices and provides comparable emissions reporting province-wide.



  • Carbon Neutral Framework